Hate it when I know this thing is going nowhere yet I'm still holding on, holding on to someone that......... I don't know how to let go anymore.
We are not opening up our heart. So what's now?
I know I will end up getting hurt. I know I'm digging a hole for myself, jumping in...... till I find the way up on my own. Helps were given but, I don't know why I'm not taking it.
Again, I never listen and I know I will not listen to what advice other people give. Call me single-minded, I'm just that persistent. I will never give up till I'm tired of it.
This is why, I never wanna talk about this to anyone anymore. Cos it's useless.......
It's just like the previous 'lesson' I had. Advices all given, but I chose to ignore it..... Till I'm........
Maybe I would rather hurt then feel nothing at all.
A step forward might lead to falling, but a step backward......... I don't wanna lose you.
You know, it's like a bubble. The emptiness, for a short period of time and the next moment... you don't know when it's going to burst and everything will be gone.
I don't know what's going to happen next..... but I know when the time comes, these memories would be the best souvenir from you.
If something is meant to be, I know it will happen. It's all about the right time, right person and for the best reason... Right?